Sadist's Delight
frosty afternoon in the centre of Prague. Some –10°C, the
city huddling under a thick blanket of snow, noses freezing with every
intake of breath. Only small bunches of tourists bundled up in thick
winter jackets, caps and scarves mill about.
And on the bank of the river, where light icy wind makes the cold even
worse, two girls in cheerful doll-like dresses stand, holding tall
glasses of champagne. Bare legs peeping from under short skirts, deep
necklines, short sleeves. Like travellers in time who landed there
straight from the height of summer.
A woman – dressed in a thick winter jacket – is
immortalizing the moment with a camera. Maybe for a New Year greeting
card of some nearby restaurant, who knows. A few more clicks of the
shutter and the work seems to be done. The girls, looking frozen to
their bones, run to their things heaped in the snow under a nearby tree
and hurriedly put on their own jackets.
The photographer toys with her camera and studies the results of her
shooting. And as soon as the girls are dressed in their jackets,
stamping about and rubbing their hands to warm themselves, she calmly
announces: "OK, let's go and try it with another lens..."
"So we should undress again?" one of the stricken-looking girls peeps.
And the photographer simply nods her head and continues adjusting the
camera settings to produce some stellar art.
Some jobs are perfect for sadists indeed...

© Zuzana