Do we really know them?

We like them, admire them, get up and go to bed with their names in our minds... But do we really know them? Let’s take The Pogues for a virtual tour around Europe. And because we live in a modern world, let’s use a modern tool, an online language translator, to adapt the line-up to local context properly...

Let’s start traditionally, in England:
Shane MacGowan, Spider Stacy, James Fearnley, Jem Finer, Andrew Ranken, Philip Chevron, Terry Woods, Darryl Hunt.

Next stop is
Poland. The brave new machine suggests the following line-up in Polish:
Szanghaj MacGowan, Pajak Staccato, Jakub Fearnley, Jem Delikatniejszy, Andrzej Ustawiony, Filip Szewron, Tkanina nie strzyzona Lasy, Darryl Polowac

Which, put back into English, gives:
Shanghai MacGowan, Spider Staccato, Jim Fearnley, Jem Tenderer, Andrew Weighted, Subsidiary Chevron, Terry Woods, Darryl Shoot
... Shane went somewhat exotic, God knows why. And what happened to Philip Chevron? Never mind. Let’s respect the work of modern technology and take this new line-up to next country.

Schang-Hai MacGowan , Ragno Staccato, Jim Fearnley, Jem Offerto, Androide Peso, Sussidiario Chevron, Terrazza A legna, Darryl Sparare
Shanghai MacGowan, Spider Breakaway, Jim Fearnley, Jem Tendered, Android Weight, Subsidiary Chevron, Terrace Wood, Darryl Pop
... Android? Why not.

Shanghai MacGowan, Spindel Brytande, Jim Fearnley, Jem Mjuk, Android Vikt, Biträdande Chevron , Förfärlig Trä, Darryl Popmusik
Shanghai MacGowan, Spider Breach, Jim Fearnley, Jem Soft, Second Weight, Subsidiaries Chevron, Terrible Wood, Quiver Pop
... Good bye, Darryl.

Opiti nekoga i nasilno ga ukrcati kao mornara MacGowan, Pauk Prodreti, Jim Fearnley, Jem Mekan, Sekunda Težina , Supsidijarnost Znak, Strašan Drvo, Tobolac Priest
Shanghai MacGowan, Spider Breach, Jim Fearnley, Jem Mellow, Second Load, Subsidiary Chevron, Appalling Timber, Capsule Priest
... what happened to Shane in Serbian, is a sheer mystery. Fortunately, the back translation safely returned him to Asia.

Shanghai MacGowan, Pavouk Mezera, Jim Fearnley, Jem Vyzrálý, Druhý Bøímì, Pomocný Ševiot, Dìsivý Témbr, Kapsle Duchovní
Shanghai MacGowan, Spider Void, Them Fearnley, Jem Mellow, Second Load, Subsidiary Cheviot, Appalling Timbre, Capsule Spiritual
... Czech obviously knows that Pogues should be about music – hence the "timbre". And of course, the band IS "spiritual"!

Xangai MacGowan, Aranha Nulo, Lhes Fearnley, Jem Maduro, Segundo Carregar, Subsidiário Cheviot, Espantoso Madeira, Cápsula Espiritual
Shanghai MacGowan, Spider Blank, Them Fearnley, Jem Full-blown, Second Burden, Ancillary Cheviot, Amazing Lumber, Cap Spiritual
... Portuguese thinks positive: Note the change from "appaling" to "amazing"; Terry would appreciate.

Klauen MacGowan, Spinne Leer, Sie Fearnley, Jem Ausführlich - geschneuzt, Zweite Beladen, Untergeordnet Cheviot, Erstaunlich Gerümpel, Bedecken Geistlich
Claws MacGowan, Spider Empty, She Fearnley, Jem Detailed Blown, Second Load, Subaltern Cheviot, Astonishing Junk, Cover Spiritual
... German took Shane back from his exotic holidays and Terry the "junk" from his newly-gained piedestal.

Megkarmol MacGowan, Pók Üres, Õ Fearnley, Jem Részletes Kifulladt, Második Teher, Alárendelt Gyapjúszövet, Megdöbbentõ Dzsunka, Fed Szellemi
Scratch MacGowan, Spinner Empty, She Is Fearnley, Jem Particular Blown, Second Lading, Subject to Cheviot, Astonishing Junk, Roofs Unworldly
...Hungarian seems to have difficulties with James’s gender identity...

Schreef MacGowan, Spinner Nuchter, Zij Zit Fearnley, Jem Vies Amechtig , Tweede Vrachtgoed, Onderworpen aan Cheviot, Verwonderlijk Rommel, Overkapping Unworldly
Streak MacGowan, Spinner Temperate, They Sit Fearnley, Jem Unclean Winded, Second Slow Goods, Subject to Cheviot, Wonderful Trash, Roof Unworldly
... Dutch mercifully covered the delicate gender issue with mist.

Poloska MacGowan, Prjadil'shhik Umerennyjj, Oni Sidet' Fearnley, Jem Neoprjatnyjj V'jushheesja Rastenie, Vtorojj Gruz Malojj Skorosti, Pri Uslovii Sheviot, Udivitel'nyjj Otbrosy, Krysha Dukhovnyjj
Facia MacGowan, Spinner Abstinent, They Cover Fearnley, Jem Dilapidated Clambering Plant, Second Slow Goods, On-condition Cheviot, Amazing Burrow, House-top Clerkly
... Congratulations, Spider!!!

Do you really want The Pogues to travel around the world?

© Zuzana