Written on the Walls

Praha  ♦  Prague

Marklová, your arse is full of strange skills.
Near Haštalské náměstí, 2005

The bee dies in its self-defense.
Analogy: What will you defend?

Opatovická, 2005

Florenc, 2005

You can’t destroy Czechtek.
(a Czech techno-party which was dispersed by police in summer 2005)
Vltavská, 2005

Again, two meters of snow will fall down, we’ll go seeking for tenderness in it - and nothing.
Again, I see people with rolls of wrapping paper protruding from them like periscopes from concrete bunkers.
Again, gifts will be given out, again, the snow will melt, will begin to simmer and will boil sausages.
Vltavská, 2005

Go to hell, everybody.
(Literally: “Go to arse”, with a particularly funny typo.)
Haštalská, 2005

Don’t you have enough silver?
Florenc, 2005

I’m a liar.
(With the face of the Czech then prime minister Paroubek.)

, 2005

Imagine something that doesn’t exist.
Vltavská, 2005

You are my hero!
M.D. Rettigové, 2005

Intellectual anarchization. :-)
Charvátova, 2006

You are afraid
Florenc, 2006


I wrap myself in plastic, plastic mica and plastic raincoats with hoods.
Novodvorská, 2006

Moving windows = film
Moving people = life?
Feature film?
And the projectionist?
Kampa park, 2006

Even the carp wants to survive Christmas.
(Fried carp is a traditional Czech Christmas dish – before Christmas, carps swarm in tubs in the streets
 and are sold alive or killed on the spot.)
Pavlíkova, 2006

To my neverending big and bigger last love!!!
Poláčkova, 2006

It’s morning
The girls go to work
To lose
Some more beads

Poetry for pedestrians

Mariánské náměstí, 2006

Spálená, 2006

© Zuzana