Lawn Games Layout, 2005

Lawn Games: A Wide Open Space in a Crowded City

(larger view)

Lawn Games Camp Dimensions: 75 w' x 100 l'
(Lawn Games/Hookahdome Mixed Use Area: 75 w'x75 l')

In 2005 Lawn Games plans to be next to the Hookahdome theme camp. We would also like to use a 75w 'x50 l' area to mix camping and resources between the two camps.

We humbly request that our camps straddle one of the "spoke" streets. An alternative mid-street layout has been drawn as well.

Our all important Cleanup Plan is Here.

Lawn Games has always aspired to a wide open layout. It's been our experience that such a layout is welcoming and comfortable for visitors.

In 2005 Lawn Games will be continue this wide-open tradition. We plan to have our annual croquet court in the rear quadrant of our assigned space, our lighted bocce court along the front edge of the camp (parallel to the Esplanade), our shade structure will be situated near the center of the gaming area. Near our shade structure will be our four-square court and other smaller games. Our camping/parking will be tucked into the area behind the croquet court.

Our bocce court will be lighted with flood lamps powered by our collaborators, the Hookahdome. In the past, night time bocce was such a success that we plan to continue this practice in 2005 and beyond.

In 2005 Lawn Games is planning what we believe to be a Burning Man first - a half-size soccer field. We plan to place half-size goals, flags, ball(s), etc. on the playa across from our camps. The field will be approximately 150'x75' in size and will be a daytime only activity being struck and stored during the night.